Archive for May, 2008

Do Not Lose Your Guaranteed Buyers! The Importance of Payment Options Variety


We all have read tons of messages and articles about how to improve your product’s sales pages (so there would be as many purchases as possible). We see endless forum discussions about how one or another aspect affects products conversions. Some of merchants hire designers to make sales-pages look very appealing. Some people do hundreds split-testings in order to improve every small detail of sales-pages.

All these efforts really generate you additional sales. However, there is one very important thing that many people overlook but it drops even 60-70% of your guaranteed buyers (the ones who actually clicked "BUY" button/link and look how to purchase your product or service).

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Total Affiliate Management in Click2Sell

Today I will review just one of many Click2Sell Affiliate Network system modules: affiliate management.

Unlike some other affiliate networks, in Click2Sell you, as a merchant, have a great control of your affiliates. There are many tools, features and tracking options which allows you to be successful with affiliates.

However, not everyone has discovered full potential of affiliate management module. So I will present you almost every aspect of affiliate management in Click2Sell.

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The Future of Affiliate Commissions Payments: Merchants Pay Their Affiliates Themselves

Hi again,

recently Click2Sell.EU was reviewed by a few well known internet marketers. In general, all of reviews were praising the system, however I once again noticed fear of a fact that in our system merchants pay their affiliates themselves.

So I want to talk about this fact in this post.

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Click2Sell.EU Performance Speed Improved 70 Times

Dear Click2Sell.EU members,

We are proud to announce that we have installed a new database system on Click2Sell.EU production servers. This new database system allowed us to increase overall system's performance speed around 70 times on some reports.

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