Questions and answers about Click2Sell: Selling, Affiliates, Payments, Tracking, Reports

Affiliate name is shown when I enter a buy now button myself



While I have been waiting for a reply on my last email, I noticed that the URL I had given below as mine is wrong. It should be

This is the link on the ORDER NOW bottom on my website, however, if you click on it, it will take you to the checkout page with the name Pascale appearing on the affiliate line. You can double check by writing on the browser the URL above and you will see that you land on the checkout page as stated.

What concerns me is that sells originating from my website should be acredited to me and not to her. It seems to me there is an error on your system that has overrrided my URL, leaving hers permanently.

Maybe I am wrong. Lets see.

Thank you.

As I mentioned you in a previous e-mail, please, go to your browser’s settings and clean all cookies.
Now, enter your link to your products checkout page again and now you will see that there is no affiliate name. I can assure you that all sales that goes from your website will be credited to you – not your affiliates. This affiliate is shown for you just because you have entered her affiliate link a bit earlier – a couple of days ago – and because of our affiliate tracking system, the special tracking cookie is placed on your computer that ensures affiliate to receive an affiliate commission up to 6 months from the first customers visit.

So I can 100% ensure you that if you make sales of your product on your own, you will receive all amount of money. The affiliate will only be credited if he/she brings you a customer via his/her affiliate link.

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