Questions and answers about Click2Sell: Selling, Affiliates, Payments, Tracking, Reports

Existing Retail Merchant?


lo Jeff,

thanks for contacting us!

We do not prohibit nothing ourselves. We have just collected a general
list (you can find it here: of
products/services prohibited by PayPal, Moneybookers, Worldpay, or Google Checkout. If you are sure that your used payment
processor allows you to do your business, then there will be no problems
from us.

Regarding your existing cart.
If you don’t want to abandon it, you can create a replica website with
everything the same, but place Click2Sell provided buy buttons instead
of current cart.
You need to ensure that visitors that are referred by Click2Sell
affiliates will not be able to purchase your products in other way than
Click2Sell buy buttons. Otherwise it would mean that Click2Sell
affiliates will have a lot of “leaked” sales if their referred people
would order your products via another payment system.

Let us know if you have any other question!

Vytis Vyskupaitis

I have a web site selling e-books and services.
Firstly are any of the products or services offered on the site
banned? Second I have an existing retail merchant (Kagi). Your
merchant program however requires I put “Buy Now” buttons on my web
site that implies abandoning my existing merchant. Correct? If so is
there no other way (such as pages on my site without top menu items) I
can join your merchant or affiliate program?

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